Aloha-Welcome, great to have you here. The singles ministry at City of David is designed to encourage growth spiritually and emotionally.
We actively support singles both in our church and in the community as a whole to succeed in every
sphere of life. We meet regularly to edify and encourage each other with the word. Creating
opportunities to support others in careers, walk with Christ and combat difficult and real life issues.
We aim to help develop each other to becoming the men and women we were created to be by
understanding the call of God during our singleness while also creating avenues for socialising and
Our Objective:
- Help singles discover God’s purpose for heir life and passionately pursue his calling.
- Encourage greater involvement within the congregation according to gifts and talents.
- Create a sense of belonging and acceptance.
- Reach out to other singles in the community.
- Provide support and advice to singles who desire to marry.
- Share career and life experiences intended for success.
Singleness and adulthood is delicate and can be the best stage in an one’s life when we leaning on
Christ. We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; meant to
bring the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. 1 Peter 2 v 9.